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Tile Express joins Worldbex 2019

Tile Express Shop once again joined Worldbex 2019, simultaneously held at the World Trade Center and the SMX Convention Center.  The five-day event, with its theme “A World Built Bolder, had a full house from March 13-17. Visitors from the architecture, construction, engineering and interior design industries had a chance to interact with the more than 700 local and international exhibitors.

The Tile Express booth was located at the World Trade Center building. A bigger booth was put up for this year to accommodate more people and to present our newest products to the visitors. New tiles were showcased, the Pasadena series, a 60×120 cm with 11mm thickness, 3D inkjet printed and in Matte finish, great for achieving that spacious look both for indoor and outdoor.

A new product line was also launched, the Vivari Sanitary Ware. The brand carries a luxurious design of water closets, urinals, wash basin, shower and bathroom accessories. It is manufactured using Italian standard and technology, known for high quality and innovation. Visit our showrooms to see more of this new collection.

Tile Express would like to thank everyone who visited the booth. We hope to bring more design and product innovations in the next Worldbex event!